
What we do

Here are some principles and ideas of how we do our work.


What does it mean that we provide prophetic training? Put simply, it means that we help the body of Christ to hear God to do their life and work together in a powerful way. Christians should hear God for themselves, to have intimacy with Him, to hear His loving words towards them, and to understand His guidance. We should also be able to hear those same things for one another. And we should be able to hear God for guidance on the strategies and new ideas for the work we do both inside the church and outside of it.

Who should learn prophetic ministry? We believe that 1 Corinthians 14 says that we should all pursue it (verse 1), that we may all do it (verse 31), and that we should even be eager to do it (verse 39).

In our ministry, we talk about prophecy as simply hearing God. While this might be more accurately described as "revelation," we have found that most people use the term prophecy for the whole group of revelatory practices. These practices include prophecy, dreams, visions, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, discernment of spirits, and a few other esoteric areas.  So we'll generally refer to them all as prophetic unless we're being technical about the differences. 

We believe the core of New Testament prophetic ministry is found in 1 Corinthians 14:3. It is for "edification, exhortation, and consolation." Here is how we understand these roles.

Edification is the way we grow one another in maturity and skill in the Christian walk. 

Exhortation is encouraging and strengthening one another to endure and overcome.

Consolation is providing emotional and spiritual support to suffer, grieve, heal, and rebuild well. 

We can provide edification, exhortation, and consolation out of our own good thoughts and feelings, but when they happen with prophetic ministry, they have power (1 Corinthians 4:20). 


Deliverance might be a scary subject to people. We help you to see that it's less like the horror movies and more about prayer and tissue boxes. 

The ministry of deliverance is all about helping people to be totally free to follow Christ, not held back by sin, broken family patterns, or any affliction of evil. This ministry heals addictions, broken marriages, and oppressive thoughts. We believe that the core of deliverance ministry is bringing people into greater encounter with God as an ongoing part of life. We believe that effective and lasting deliverance is inseparable from intimacy with God. 

Who is called to the ministry of deliverance? Simply, all of us who follow Christ are called to do it. The ministry of Jesus is about the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:15). The arrival of the Kingdom of God is evidenced by healing, especially deliverance (Luke 11:20). Deliverance ministry glorifies Jesus Christ as Savior and as Lord. We should all seek to follow Jesus in this ministry, just as His disciples and the early church did.

Deliverance, freedom from evil spirits, and spiritual warfare are all interrelated topics that we teach on. They have the commonality that Christ gave His followers the right and the duty to expel evil spirits from people. We teach people how this looks in practice and how to know the right boundaries for what we can and should do. Additional subjects in this area are inner healing (or Christian mental health), leadership, authority, identity, gifts, and callings.

Please note that the focus of our ministry training is not inner healing (Sozo, HeartSync, Restoring the Foundations, etc.). Inner healing ministries and deliverance do have overlap. Our focus is primarily on breaking off demonic oppression, whereas inner healing is about healing wounds that lead to broken patterns of behavior. These two ministries do overlap, particularly in the places where the wounds or broken behavior establish a home for the demonic spirits in the life of a person. As we teach and minister, we will provide some tools and techniques from inner healing, but it will not be the primary focus.