
Book & Article Recommendations


How to Hear God’s Voice – Dr. Mark & Patti Virkler

Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry – Kris Vallotton

School of the Prophets: Advanced Training for Prophetic Ministry – Kris Vallotton

Surprised by the Voice of God - Dr. Jack Deere 

You May All Prophesy – Dr. Steve Thompson

Developing Your Prophetic Gifting - Graham Cooke

Through the Eyes of Love - Shawn Bolz

The Voice of God - Cindy Jacobs

The Prophetic Voice of God - Lana Vawser 

The Prophetic Ministry - Rick Joyner

Dreaming With God - Bill Johnson

Hearing God – Dr. Dallas Willard 


I Give You Authority - Dr. Charles H. Kraft

Liberated - Dr. Rodney Hogue

The Bondage Breaker – Dr. Neil T. Anderson

The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance – Dr. Randy Clark

Forgiveness - Dr. Rodney Hogue

Supernatural Freedom from the Captivity of Trauma (and PTSD) - Dr. Mike Hutchings

Free in Christ – Pablo Bottari

Victory Over the Darkness - Dr. Neil Anderson

They Shall Expel Demons - Derek Prince

Defeating Dark Angels – Dr. Charles Kraft

Blessing or Curse - Derek Prince

The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind - Bill Johnson

Healing the Orphan Spirit - Leif Hetland

Boundaries - Dr. Townsend and Dr. Cloud

Bait of Satan - John Bevere

Dealing with the Rejection and Praise of Man – Bob Sorge

Breaking Free From Rejection - John Paul Jackson

Streams of Healing - Little and Wilson (overview of 12 inner healing methods)

Deliverance from Evil Spirits - Francis MacNutt

Breaking Freemasonry curses in Jesus Name (pdf)

Article: Why Our Souls Matter – Kris Vallotton