Wellsprings of Life and Hope

Training and ministering in prophecy and deliverance

Wellsprings of Life and Hope is a Christian non-profit ministry that works "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:12, NASB). The specific areas of equipping we work in are prophecy (and the related revelatory gifts) and deliverance. We provide this equipping in both media and in live training settings.

Interested in connecting?

Our focus is to help churches, ministries, and even small groups to be trained in prophecy and deliverance. We do this through Bible-centered teaching and hands-on practice. We are happy to work with all levels of experience, from those who are brand new to those who have plenty of practice. 

If you would like to hear more about the in-person training we offer or are a Kingdom-minded minister who wants to chat, please contact us at contact@wolah.org.

At this time, we are not accepting requests for individual prophetic or deliverance ministry unless by direct, personal referral.